Outdoor wearWith the purpose of making protective clothing for braving people enjoying the outdoor adventure sports in very harsh weather condition, we really understand qualified and suitable outdoor wear is just simply a matter of life and death.Focus-Progear team passionate about creating garments that would hold up to the harsh conditions of outdoor sports especially the ski. Today we makes functional clothing without compromise for all kinds of outdoor activity. Skiwear is still a fundamental element in the operation but now there is much wider selection of protective clothing for all occasions than in the beginning.We work closely with high quality fabric manufacturers to offer the most innovative and versatile materials available.Outdoor wear comfort depends upon a good balance funcions like breathability, wicking, rapid drying, insulation, durability, as well as wind and waterproofing, It should also be lightweight, allowing freedom of movement and containing as few garments as possible.Modern technology of coating, bonding and laminating bring the possibility that funcationing layers seals you out weather and protect you from wet, windy and extreme elements, creating a “personal climate”.
Our Pro-gear outdoor wear keep you sheltered and comfortable during the cold and wet winter days in the city and serve as a valuable ally when you decide to push your own limits in the great outdoors.